Sunday, March 8, 2020

What to call a flock of bushtits?

While I await my return to Portland (I'm in Olympia with friends) I think I'll post a very interesting thread from OBOL.  We are all familiar with various names for flocks of other species:  a gaggle of geese, a murder of crows, etc.   But, as far as I know, there is no "official" name for a flock of bushtits.  Perhaps we can rectify that with a contest.

It started with a query:  What do you call a flock of bushtits?  And there was a cascade of responses from OBOL list serve members.  I expect more will come.

I'll list the suggestions people have emailed on OBOL and then we can take a vote.  I'm open-minded!    I'll keep names off the list, but include explanations if needed.  When there is a consensus (that would be nice) or a majority in favor of one, I'll declare the winner and that is what will go into my book.  I suggest "Ranked-choice voting:"  Choose your top 5 favorites and rank them in order of preference.

Here we go.   If you'd like me to post your name with your suggestion, just let me know.  Some are silly, but most have some interesting descriptive character.

1.  Psaltriparus minimus glosses as 'smallest harper-tit.'  A collection of harpers is a melody.  The smallest significant part of a melody--beyond a note--is a motif.  QED: a Motif of Bushtits.

2. Swarm of bushtits

3. Tinkle of bushtits

4. Tickle of bushtits

5. Mob of bushtits (this is probably the most commonly used to date)

6.  Flash mob of bushtits

7.  Flurry of bushtits

8.  Bundle of bushtits

9.  Lint-trap of bushtits

10. Bale of bushtits (as in a gathering of collection such as hay-bale)

11.  Invasion of bushtits

12.  Bushel of bushtits

13.  Bustle of bushtits

14.  Business (or Busy-ness) of bushtits

15. Blizzard of bushtits

16.  Buzz of bushtits

17.  Collective of bushtits

18.  Sharing of bushtits

19.  Arrival and departure of bushtits

20.  Gathering of bushtits

21.  Togetherness of bushtits

22.  Cloud of bushtits

23. Passage of bushtits

24.  Gang of bushtits

25.  Bully of bushtits

26.  Scatter of bushtits

27.  Myrmiration of bushtits (not a typo:  derived from beetle taxonomy)

28.  Frenzy of Bushtits

29.  Twittering of bushtits

30.  Bell choir of bushtits

31. Tintinabulation of bushtits

32.  Cascade of bushtits

33.  Titillation of bushtits

34.  Shower of bushtits

35.  Spit of bushtits (because they say, very clearly, "sspt.")

36.  Spray of bushtits

Ok!   I think that's QUITE a list!   In the Comments below, vote for your favorite.  And if you have yet another suggestion, I will add it tomorrow and we can include it as a possibility as well.


Just for fun, here's a link to my favorite video of a flock of bushtits:


  1. 1 Twittering, 2 lint-trap, 3 cloud , 4 shower, 5) invasion

  2. #25, Bully; new one -- Blitz; #13, bustle. Alliteration is critical in these collectives

  3. 1: Tintinabulation; 2: Invasion; 3: Flurry; 4: Blizzard; 5: Frenzy

  4. 1. tickle 2. twitter

  5. 1) Twittering 2) Mob 3) Frenzy 4) Flurry 5) Bustle

    I thought the funniest were a "lint trap" and a "flash mob".

    1. Alice Davis
      1) Bushel 2) Mob 3) Flurry 4) Bundle 5) Shower

    2. I agree on both counts. Flash mob is my top choice. Suggest also SWARM

  6. Flash Mob 2)Murmuration (sp?) 3)Blizzard

  7. My goodness you've had a lot of suggestions! I came up with a bell choir (since they sound like little tinkling bells to me) and Lars said that would be a tintinabulation or something. My feeling is by the time you said "Look! A tintinabulation of bushtits!", the flock would be gone... so I'm suggesting a bevy of bushtits instead.

    Linda Fink

  8. Motif! The explanation sold me.

  9. I have a new one to suggest....a bevy of bushtits!

  10. 1) Bustle 2) flurry 3) Cascade (because they are in the foothills of same) 4) Busy-ness 5) Togetherness

  11. Two votes from two people:


  12. Swarm is my favorite and exactly what I see when they show up in my garden.
